CabBazar is an aggregator of taxis that operates on the internet. Users can search for taxis by entering information such as sources, destinations and dates, and then filtering them selecting filters such as the type of car, trip type, and more. Users can see the estimated cost after selecting the type of car and then booking the car on the internet. CabBazar is a marketplace for cabs that allows bidders to search and book one-way or round-trip taxis from a multitude of travel agencies. The company provides top service at a cheaper cost than its rivals. They offer 24 hours a day and door-to-door rates, the best price guarantee, security and reliability, and much more. The primary goal of the business is to provide convenience as well as ease of booking and a stress-free, enjoyable travel experience at a competitive cost through an automated and fully automated process.
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- Coupon applicable for new customers only - Minimum booking price must be Rs. 3K
Submitted:2 days ago